Cattle | Tally |
Prime Steers | 47 |
Prime Heifers | 21 |
Prime Bulls | 9 |
Prime Cows | 1 |
Store Steers | 117 |
Store Heifers | 127 |
Store Bulls | 4 |
Special Lines: | |
Connemara - Okains Bay (TB:C10) 15 Hereford 2yr Steers 5 Hereford Yearling Steers Grass Fed only, Home Bred, Matariki Bloodlines |
Account Clients 70 Straight Beef & Dairy Beef M/S Yearling Cattle |
Platinum Farming - Oxford (TB:CM) 12 Angus Friesian R2 Heifers 6 Angus Friesian R2 Steers |
AG & GM Hyde - Fernside (TB:CM) 8 Charolais Friesian X Yearling Steers |
Docherty Creek - Franz Josef (TB:C10) 45 Hereford & Hereford Friesian X M/S Yearlings |
Muula Farming Ltd - Kokatahi (TB:C10) 5 Hereford X Yearling Steers 9 Hereford Yearling Steers 7 Hereford Yearling Heifers 7 Hereford Friesian X Yearling Heifers |
Total | 326 |
Sheep | Tally |
Prime Lambs | 411 |
Prime Sheep | 147 |
Store Lambs | 28 |
Ewes with Lambs @Foot | 91E/131L |
Special Lines: | |
Southern Cross Produce - Hororata 60 Wiltshire Mixed Age Ewes 25 Crossbred 2th Ewes 113 Wiltshire Lambs @Foot lambs tailed, males are ram lambs |
Total | 808 |
Cattle | Tally |
Prime Steers | 82 |
Prime Heifers | 43 |
Prime Cows | 0 |
Prime Bulls | 5 |
Store Steers | 154 |
Store Heifers | 105 |
Store Bulls | 2 |
Special Lines: | Totara Tree Holding, Charteris Bay (CM) - 41 Angus Hereford x R2 Steers (Hossack Station Bred) |
Total | 391 |
Sheep | Tally |
Lambs | 679 |
Prime Hoggets | 594 |
Prime Ewes | 200 |
Special Lines: | Glenbourne Farming Ltd - 200 Quarterbred Shorn Ewe Lambs, Drenched and B12 Selenium |
Total | 1,473 |